Preparing to fill in a Proposal Form:
Please have ready .pdf (Adobe PDF) files for the supporting documents you will upload – budget, IRS 501C3 letter and as an option, an optional organization/project overview.
We do not accept Word or Excel documents.
No file should be more than 2 MB.
Please have on hand the code given to you by the contact who recommended you submit a grant and supplied you with the user/password information. You will be asked to select your code from a pull-down list in the proposal form. The codes look like this: “Code10, Code20, Code30,” etc.
You will need to prepare, in advance, the following:
- A 200 character (roughly 30 words) description of your specific grant request project. Copy/paste this description into the designated field. It is required. This is not a description of your overall organization/mission – you will have a separate opportunity to upload overview materials, if you wish (see #4).
- A one page spreadsheet-style budget for how you will spend the grant funding. This will be uploaded as a PDF attachment. This is required. Please use the following file-naming convention: a shortened version of your project name for your budget file: ProjectName_Budget. For example: HistoryMillinocket_Budget. NOTE: We only accept PDFs.
- A PDF version of your current 501c3 IRS tax exemption letter. Expired Advance Ruling letters or significantly aged Letters from the IRS are not sufficient. Ensure your letter regarding 501c3 status is current before applying and submitting documentation with a grant proposal.
If you have contacted the IRS and are awaiting an updated and current copy of your tax exemption letter, please get in touch with infoGoldRule
org well in advance of any deadlines, regarding your situation. You must submit this tax exemption letter with each grant proposal submission, regardless of past grants/past submissions.
The tax exemption letter should be uploaded as a PDF attachment, and is required.
File-naming convention: please title this document with a shortened version of your project name and “_501C3”: For example: HistoryMillinocket_501C3.
NOTE: We only accept PDFs. - Any overall organization/mission description. This will be uploaded as a PDF attachment, and is not required, but encouraged. Please use the following file-naming convention: a shortened version of your project name for a file describing the goal, activities and/or history of your organization. For example: HistoryMillinocket_Overview. NOTE: We only accept PDFs.
As of 2023: On some submissions there have been confusions in names/emails between the Fiscal Sponsor for the grant and the Alternate Project Contact. Our submission form now asks for contact info from each but please note: The Letter of Agreement is mailed ONLY to the fiscal sponsor and can be signed ONLY by the fiscal sponsor. The fiscal sponsor is a legal representative of a 501c3 organization.
Follows is information you will be required to submit. You must put the correct information into the correct fields as the Administrator will not reroute communications.
- Clearly state the contact name and email address for the sponsoring fiscal organization, which will be receiving the Letter of Agreement via email. This email account must be monitored and active during the grant cycle – to receive and return the signed Letter of Agreement by the deadline (either Round 1 and Round 2).
This person/address must respond to our emails in a timely fashion. We cannot make exceptions for correspondence sent to spam/junk folders in recipient mail systems. It is the responsibility of the grantee/Alternate Project Contact and the fiscal sponsor to communicate with each other in order to conform to our signature and deadline requirements. - If different from the fiscal sponsor – there are optional fields for the project’s Secondary Contact and email address. This person may be the person coordinating the work of the actual grant. The Letter of Agreement will not be sent to them, only to the fiscal sponsor contact.
- Requested grant total. Please confirm the exact grant amount with your sponsoring board member ahead of submitting a proposal. If your submission does not match what we have on record for the approved amount, your grant request will be held up until that is resolved.